

Why Men Refuse to Visit A Doctor

It’s about hormones. And it’s not about testosterone. It’s all about oxytocin, the stress hormone. And the man in your life is not unique. Nationally, 60% of men refuse to visit doctors and those who make the great journey routinely hold back on disclosing personal health information.

One important hint to understanding men — Male self-esteem is built… Read More »

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Diet and Prostate Cancer

While no definitive proof can be found that diet impacts prostate health, there is clear and apparent evidence worldwide that prostate cancer rates are significantly lower in countries where men consume more fruit, vegetables and fish vs. the consumption of red and processed meats.

A recent study appearing in the April 2019 Annals of Internal Medicine noted that adequate intakes of vitamins K and A along with the minerals… Read More »

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    I am dedicated to educate men about the dangers of ignoring annual physicals.

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